5 Grocery Shopping Myths

Grocery shopping is a time consuming, necessary evil of an activity that we all need to perform. There are a lot of people who find it in themselves to even enjoy it, but there are many, like myself, who hate totally hate it. Going from aisle to aisle, looking for everything I need is not a fun task. Neither is keeping in mind all the products that are healthy for you while shopping. Some months back, a friend of mine suggested using an online grocery shopping website to conduct all my shopping from the comforts of my home. And since then, my life has been truly revolutionized!

I can order all the groceries I want, late at night, when I am done with all my daily tasks, without any hassle. But, one hurdle I still face is the grocery shopping myths I hear all the time. Thank God, I research on them to confirm their credibility because, otherwise, grocery shopping would be a very challenging task. Let me share some of the grocery shopping myths I and probably a lot other people, have come across over the years, and debunk them! 

online grocery shopping
Avoid Sugar, Altogether! 

The number of times I’ve heard that you need to stop eating sugars is crazy. At the grocery stores, it’s common to hear parents tell their children that sugar is bad for health and to avoid eating it altogether. While it’s wise to avoid calorie-filled cakes and cookies, you should have fruits with dairy toppings, low-fat pudding, or a small portion of candy/chocolate with nuts. Eating everything in proportion is the way to go. And if you like dark chocolate then that’s even better as it is known to lower blood pressure and instigate healthy brain activity. 

Low Fat Equates to Healthy Eating

People gravitate to low-fat products because they make you eat all you want, guilt-free. But, the truth is, more often than not, they have certain ingredients in them that make them a less-healthy choice. So, before putting a product labelled low fat in your cart, check the nutrition facts panel on it! Foods that have a high quantity of sodium, fat, calories and sugar should be avoided. Choosing a product that is low fat and has low quantities of above-mentioned nutritions, is the best way to go. 

Always Buy in Bulk: 

It’s tempting to buy those mega-boxes deal at supermarkets. They definitely save you a lot of money. But, you should avoid doing that if those boxes are of junk food! And usually, deals are placed on junk food because people can avoid temptation when they aren’t getting a discount, but they find resisting discounts hard. The other thing you should avoid buying in bulk is perishable products. Instead of availing the discount, you’d just have a lot of waste products in your hand. You need to make sure that you can finish the product before it goes to waste. You should buy healthy, long-lasting products in bulk only. 

Fresh Produce is the Best: 

If I had a dollar every time someone in Pakistan claimed that only fresh produce has all the nutrients, I would be a millionaire by now! The fact of the matter is, frozen fruits and vegetables are frozen at their peak ripeness, preserving all their nutrients, ensuring that they are just as healthy as the fresh veggies and fruits. In case of canned items, you just need to rinse them before using them so all the added sugar and salt is cleared off. It’s better to look for the labels on the can for no sugar and salts added. 

Don’t Buy Pasta: 

Pasta’s been deemed as the enemy by the low-carb diets. But, cutting out carbs from your diet isn’t the right thing to do. Buy whole-wheat pasta and get the fibre intake your body requires. If you add cheese in your pasta then add low-fat cheese. You can also make your pasta with tomato-based sauce and vegetables. Like everything, you need to have pasta in moderation though!


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