
Popular Chocolates Around the World

  Chocolate is loved by people of all ages, all religions, all nationalities, all social status people. There is no discrimination when it comes to love for chocolate. There is at least one type of chocolate that you can’t say no to! Did you know that it’s scientifically proven that eating chocolate causes a chemical reaction in the brain that makes one feel happy? So, the love for chocolates is justified. I decided to round up the best chocolate brands around the world today. But, before we continue, let me order myself my favourite chocolate from HowMuch, the best online grocery store in Pakistan !  Feelings of excitement, fun and nervousness can all be associated with chocolate. It is pretty much like falling in love! No amount of anti-depressant can compare to the serotonin that chocolate gives. It’s impossible to ignore the benefits of chocolate. There are so many chocolate brands available in the market because of its huge demand that making a list of the most popular c...

How Can You Go Green While Shopping Online?

Since the last decade, online shopping has become really popular, but people don’t really know if this has a positive or negative impact on the environment. As citizens around the world are aware of how badly we are damaging our environment, steps are being taken to go green while shopping for goods online. There’s no doubt that online portals allow us to order online, get our products delivered quickly and attract customers with speed, convenience and flexibility. It’s probably the reason why online grocery shopping in Islamabad is so popular.  There’s good news who like to shop online. According to a study conducted by MIT, online shopping is more eco-friendly than in-person shopping. But, the study also found out that online purchasing is only beneficial to the environment, as compared to in-person purchases when the shopping store is more than 2 miles away. The travel costs need to be considered while creating a green online shopping way.  Going green while online shoppin...

Common Eid-ul-Adha Activities in a Pakistani Household!

Eid ul Adha is known by a variety of names; Eid e Qurban, Bari Eid, Bakra Eid and Namkeen Eid. Regardless of what you call it, there are no two opinions that food is the backbone of the festival. This Eid is celebrated to commemorate the sacrifice of Hazrat Ibrahim(AS) and his willingness to obey Allah (SWT)’s command. Before he could sacrifice his son for Allah, a lamb was replaced under his knife. And so, every 10th Zul Hijjah, Muslims are to sacrifice an animal, divide the meat into three parts- the needy, the relatives and for yourself. Given how this Eid is all about food, I personally like to shop my groceries beforehand. Online grocery shopping in Islamabad is very popular and this year, that’s what I did too! And I have to say, it saves so much time and money! The 3 days of Eid are the most awaited and important days of the year and thus, take a lot of planning. Other than the food, here are the things everyone can relate to regarding Eid: 

Order Everything from Save Mart on Howmuch!

Grocery shopping is a necessity of life. Some people like it, while others do it because they have no choice. Well, if you don’t enjoy the activity because you have to go from aisle to aisle looking for what you need, or wait in long cashier lines or just don’t like driving to a grocery store then online grocery shopping is the optimal solution for you! Even those who enjoy going down the store should avoid it these days due to coronavirus pandemic.  So, to protect yourself and your loved ones you agree to conduct your shopping online. But you don’t know where to shop from. Well, today, let me introduce you to an online grocery store in Islamabad , Lahore and Rawalpindi. Yes, multiple cities! Howmuch is an online shopping portal that delivers your groceries and other daily necessities in these cities. You can search up stores and products here. Let’s look at one of the stores on the portal, Save Mart, and see what products it offers: 

How to Clean Different Surfaces?

Everyone wants to clean their house to the extent that it looks spotless. Yes, I am aware that no one wants to scrub their floors for ages, but everyone wants the clean look and feel after scrubbing. I am here to tell you that you don’t need to scrub that hard at all if you have the right products and clean surfaces the right way. It gets frustrating to clean surfaces that just seem like they don’t want to be cleaned! Regardless of how hard you try, the stain, rust or dust won’t leave the surface! This can put a dent on your mood for cleaning your house spotless!  It’s always sad to see surfaces getting coated with dust and losing their original lustre and appeal. So, we’ve decided to compile a list of tips on how to clean different household surfaces. Different techniques are required for different surfaces. We’ve included ceramic tiles, marble countertops, wooden furniture, glass furniture, and so much more. So, read on and be able to get your surfaces looking as good as new...

6 Most Healthy Fruits You Should Eat!

We hear that fruits are good for health from an early age and rightfully so because according to the centre for Disease Control and Prevention, those who have a large intake of fruits in their diet, have a lesser risk of cancer, diabetes and other chronic diseases. The reason for it is pretty straight forward; fruits are filled with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants but very low in calories. The good thing about fruits is that they are delicious so consuming them isn’t a problem! However, some fruits are better than the other in terms of the nutritional values they have.  While it is true that different people will rank different fruits differently, depending on what they are looking for. For example, if a person is looking for potassium then he will go for bananas as they have high potassium content. If he requires vitamin C then he will opt for citrus fruits and so on. So, here is the list of the healthiest fruits considered around the world, not ranked according to their...

5 Grocery Shopping Myths

Grocery shopping is a time consuming, necessary evil of an activity that we all need to perform. There are a lot of people who find it in themselves to even enjoy it, but there are many, like myself, who hate totally hate it. Going from aisle to aisle, looking for everything I need is not a fun task. Neither is keeping in mind all the products that are healthy for you while shopping. Some months back, a friend of mine suggested using an online grocery shopping website to conduct all my shopping from the comforts of my home. And since then, my life has been truly revolutionized! I can order all the groceries I want, late at night, when I am done with all my daily tasks, without any hassle. But, one hurdle I still face is the grocery shopping myths I hear all the time. Thank God, I research on them to confirm their credibility because, otherwise, grocery shopping would be a very challenging task. Let me share some of the grocery shopping myths I and probably a lot other people, hav...